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To build a downline, you have to advertise your referral links!


It might be helpful (although not necessary) to print these instructions and have them in front of you.

This system can be created with very basic computer skills (point and click, open file, copy and paste etc.) and the ability to follow detailed step-by-step instructions. But I am here to help – please do not hesitate to contact me: with any questions or problems you might have. Of course if you have a higher level of computer skills then you are only limited by your imagination!

I think that you will agree, that you cannot get paid by any of the paid e-mail programs unless you have accounts with them! So – that’s one of the first steps! All these programs are free to join and some of them offer bonuses to sign up!

Let me remind you that you need a dedicated e-mail address. YOU SHOULD NOT USE YOUR PRIMARY E-MAIL ADDRESS TO SIGN UP WITH THESE PROGRAMS!!! Set yourself up with a dedicated account by getting a free e-mail account. There are many places to get free accounts from: often your service provider will allow you to create multiple accounts, create a separate one to keep your business things in order. Try Netscape or do a search for a free email account. However, please be aware, that accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo, zwallet, msn, tend to view email from PTR programs as spam, due to the amounts of bounced emails, many program owners have banned these email address.
I also suggest you use the same user ID and password wherever possible. This can make things much easier in the future!

Please note that by using a PayPal, Stormpay or E-gold account to collect your earnings in, you’ll “save a buck or two” on cheque processing fees. They are free to join: Paypal or Storm Pay or E-Gold.

Now you can proceed to sign up with the following programs. Simply click on each one and follow the instructions.
There are 15 paid to read email programs listed here, you are not obligated to join them all. Remember to customise the business to suit your needs. If you are unsure about it all, just try out one or two, you can unsubscribe to any of the programs at any time.

It’s suggested that you could earn up to $8,000 minimum per month, but I refuse to make any promises, that I haven’t fulfilled myself. As I’ve said before, the more time you spend, the more money you will make. If you and your downline do more you will earn more! The wider you build your downline the more you will earn!

I have wittled down my programs from over 30 to the 15 currently seen below. Some programs just disappeared, and some just didn’t make me any money. As a uni student, I have limited time, so the 15 programs, I have, don’t take me much more than an hour to get through. If you have more time, then by all means sign up with more programs, and build downlines in all of them to help you along. But I have found that it may be easier to start with less and add programs as you find you have some extra time. My philosophy is to start with less and add more when you feel you are settled and have the time
Now, let's join some programs.

All You Submitters!
Emails 5 cents each, $10.00 Sign-up Bonus, $50.00 Dollar Payout, 6 Ref levels of commission under you.
Emails 1-10 cents each, $50.00 Payout, $5.00 Minimum payout for Gold members, 6 Ref levels of commission under you.
$5 Dollar Payout, Payout via Paypal or E-Gold, 4 Gold Membership Options, NO POINTS, 2 Referral Levels of Commission.
Betty Bucks
1/4 cent to 5 cent emails, $10.00 Payout, 5 Referral Levels of Commission under you.
10 Referral Levels, Unbeatable Gold Membership, $10 Payout Minimum.
6 Referral Levels, $10 Signup Bonus, 1 Cent Referral Bonus On First Level Referrals, $76 dollar payout, Emails 2 cents each.
Coffee Club Emails
$1.50 Sign-up Bonus, $10.00 Dollar Payout, 3 Upgrade Membership Levels to Choose from, Contests and so much more, Free Membership payout at $10.00 ($2.50 in personal earnings needed), 6 High paying Ref levels under you.
Echo’s Emails
Receive $1.00 and 100 Points for Signing Up, 7 referral levels, $0.04 for each first-level referral who signs up, No emails under 1 cent, Points Converted to Cash or Redeemed for Ads, Payout $10.00, Lots of Games, Contest and Raffles, 4 Levels of Membership: Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum!
Gimme Email
$1 Signup Bonus, 3 Referral Levels, $6 minimum payout, Excellent upgrade options (from $7).
$1.00 Cash Signup Bonus, • 5 Referral Payout Levels, 10 CENT BONUS FOR FIRST LEVEL REFERRALS, $7.77 PayOut, Gold Members $3.00 Cashout , Ad-Point Emails (1 Point = 1 Cent for Ad Purchases.
Mail Down Under
$15.00 minimum earnings required for payout, 1 referral level of commission under you earning you an extra 10%, regularly 10 or more emails a day, fabulous friendly webmistress, no points.
$30.00 Signup Bonus, $150 dollar payout, 10 referal levels, 2 cent referral bonus on personal referrals, Gold, Platinum, And Diamond Memberships Available, VIP Memberships Available, Pay2click contest, A minimum of 50 random $10.00 payments monthly.
Nile Cash
Minimum Payout $10.00, 3 Gold Membership Options, NO POINTS, 4 Levels of Referral Commissions. PAYMENT PENDING FROM PREVIOUS OWNER.
Oz Loop
6 levels of commission, $26 dollar cashout, upgrades, points redeemable for advertising.
$3 Payout! For free members, 4 levels of upgraded memberships, 5 Referral Levels, No Points.

When signing up there is often a box which asks for a referrer ID, sometimes it automatically has my name there sometimes not, you'll be helping both of us if you add in my name (as seen at the end of all the links it’s usually - nicolevoorhout), and remind people to do this for yourself when you start referring people.

Every company you sign up with will send you a “Welcome” e-mail. Keep all those e-mail messages in a safe place they are needed for the next step. If you are already signed up with a company you can usually find your personal referral link, under a tab named referral links. If you have a few minutes, copy and paste each of your own referral URL’s into a word page, some are in the emails, other direct you to the site and once logged in you will find a referral link with your personal referral URL. That means you can simply select them all from the word document and paste them directly where you need them, also if you see new programs and join, just add your new link to the bottom of the word page and they are all safe and sound for you.

Now the next step is to set up your own “pages” and to change my links to your own, so that you can promote your own pages and build your own downline.
You can get free web pages at 20MegsFree. Click the "Sign Up" button. Select the 2nd option, I want to use a FREE sub-domain name, and type the name you desire for your new web site. For example for mine I chose nicolesbiz. If the combination you entered already exists, you might have to try something else, maybe even several times. Don't worry, sooner or later you'll get it! After you are done with the name, click enter. Select the 100% free hosting option at the bottom of the page and then click "Sign Up". If there is a pop up asking you to consider one of the pay options just close it by clicking the cross in the top right hand corner. Follow the rest of the instructions to continue signing up.

When completed, log in and:
1-Click on ‘Work on my site’
2-Click on ‘Build my site’, then on ‘Power Tools’
3-Click on ‘File Manager’
4-Click on ‘File Manager’ again
5-Select the document with the html extension, and click on Edit
6-A new window will open, Select all the text on the page and delete
7-Open a new window

Go to This Page. This is the first page you came to before these instructions!
RIGHT-click your mouse and select 'View Source" to open one more window, this will show you the code.
Highlight everything in the window by pressing "Ctrl" and "A" buttons (or by clicking and dragging your mouse all over the code). When highlighted, copy everything by pressing "Ctrl" and "C". Now go back to your own "20megsfree" window with YOUR free web site:

Click in the window so your cursor appears and paste the new code by pressing "Ctrl" and "V".
Now you will have to go through the code carefully and change all the links. Everywhere that it says http://nicolesbiz/etc... you will need to replace with your own link code. The next step is to find the section that contains all of the program referral links and replace my links with your own. Now if you are new to web pages then you need to proceed carefully, so as not to delete anything that may affect your page. Again you can contact me if you need help.
When you have finished Click on Save File. If you need to come back to it, then you can save the file and come back to make the changes later.

You will now need to create a second page, Click on New file. Name the file whatever you wish to call it. Once it is created, click on the little edit button, next to the newly created file.
Delete any text on the page, and then go to This Page, then you will need to follow the instructions as you did for the first page, right mouse click, copy code, make any necessary changes etc. Finishing with Save File.

If you are somewhat computer savvy you can adjust the code to your own liking or even create your own site by following the instructions:
1-Click on ‘Work on my site’
2-Click on ‘Build my site’, then on ‘Power Tools’
3-Click on ‘Build a website’
and then following the instructions that the website gives you. Or if you have the knowledge and the ability to build the pages from scratch, then once again you are only limited by your imagination.

Your web site should now be functional! If you want, you can play with it a little more (for example - get your own hit counter, see Want to do a little customising, go to this website and it will give you codes you can use to change the colours, the codes are like #FFFFFF or a mixture of letters and numbers etc.

Preview your site and click all the links to make sure they go where you want them to go. As you become more confident, you can add further pages with tips, or links, or banners, or… well the sky’s the limit.

Once you’ve reached this point then you are almost done! You are doing great!

Now all you have to do is to drive Internet TRAFFIC to your web site. Your visitors will join your programs, create their own pages and continue the downline effect.

Start page programs, surf for hits, and click through programs, can bring you Tons of highly targeted free traffic, if you know how to do it... Personally, I don't have the time to sit around surfing for hours upon hours, opening new browser windows to acquire enough hits, and you probably don’t either.
Getting referrals can be pretty hard work too, especially when the programs your visitors see are the same ones they have seen over, and over again. So, getting tons of referrals was pretty hard work... Until Now!

Start by signing up with some traffic exchanges - I have four programs that I like to use and I can use them all at once in my Crazy Browser (further explanation to come). So you can start by joining the four programs below. If you are already a member of one or some of them that's OK too, just skip these and move on to the next one. During the sign up process, you will have to specify YOUR TARGET web site URL. This is the web site you just spent all that hard work setting up! For example, I give as my Target URL. Remember, that you can change this TARGET URL address (redirect your traffic) ANY TIME.

Each program you sign up with will send you a Welcome email. Be sure to keep all those messages in a safe place as they contain your start page and referral page URLs, similar to your PTR ones. We will need this information later.
Cashits which is automatic
Traffic That Earns which is automatic & manual
Traffic Roundup which is manual
Shared Ad Space which is manual

Like the PTR programs, you can customise your traffic programs, depending on how much time you have and how much effort you want to put in.

By this time you should have at least a general idea on how Start Page exchange programs work and might be wondering why do you need them and why more than one? Well, if you use them as most people do - one in a time - then indeed just one or two programs would suffice. But then your result would also be like most people have - 30, maybe 50 hits a day. This is better than nothing, but definitely NOT ENOUGH to run and EXPAND successful Internet business.
I am going to show you how you can easily produce loads of free hits a day.
Here is how you can use several of these programs at the same time.

Start by getting yourself CRAZY BROWSER
Take a look around the web-site. I would also recommend taking a good look at the "Tour" Then, when ready ... click the "Download" link and install it onto your PC.
Connect to the internet and then launch your Crazy Browser.

Copy and paste the first STARTPAGE URL into the Address bar of CrazyBrowser (Should be in the welcome emails that you saved earlier). When the startpage URL is in the Address bar, press the "Enter" key on your keyboard (also called the "carriage-return" or "hard-return" key). When that page has loaded, copy and paste the 2nd Startpage URL into the CrazyBrowser Address bar, then press the "enter" key on your keyboard. When that 2nd page has loaded, copy and paste the 3rd and 4th Startpage URL’s. Remember to press "enter" each time

GREAT! SURF AND MANUALLY CLICK ALL FOUR! You now have 4 Startpages all loaded.

All you now have to do is to click on the tabs along the top menu bar to switch instantly from page to page.
Each start-page program has a different way of telling you that you have earned a credit. Some have a number that counts down from 20 to 0 ... and then tells you to "Go". Some have a link which says "Next site" ... you will soon learn WHEN you have gained a credit and WHERE you need to manually click to go on to the next page. And here is where you can speed things up greatly ...
As soon as you have click on "Go" or "Next" or whatever link you need to click on - THEN CLICK ON A NEW TAB on the top menu bar. Often, you will find the web-page has fully loaded, you have earned a credit, and you can click to move on to the next page. CLICK THAT LINK ... and then GO TO A NEW PAGE! Sometimes you need to wait for a few seconds for that page to filly load ... but as soon as it has ... and you have gained the credit ... click the link to go to the next page ... AND THEN SWITCH TO ONE OF THE OTHER PROGRAMS!
These days, most computers with a 56k modem can handle 4 or 5 different start-page programs at the same time.

Next look at the very top menu bar and click on "Groups" A drop-down menu will appear. Click on "Save All Pages As Group" - it's easy to spot - there is a floppy-disk icon there. Another box will pop up and you need to type in a name for this group. Type in something like "Multi 1" ... or "Surf group 1" ... (or something like that) ... then click on "Save". Once you have done that, you can close your Crazy Browser, next time you are ready to surf, you can LAUNCH ALL FOUR WITH ONE CLICK !
Click on "Groups" and on the drop-down menu you will see "Surf group1" ... or whatever you have called it. Click on that ... AND ALL FOUR OF YOUR START PAGE PROGRAMS ARE LAUNCHED AND LOAD UP! ZAP! You can then start surfing immediately ... switching from program to program with one click of your mouse ... scoring credit after credit after beautiful credit!
Even if you do NOT have anybody in your downline - just following this method on your own will give 400 - 500% MORE credits than you ever could have earned by just surfing one program at a time!

NOTE: USING THE SYSTEM (AT LEAST AT THE VERY BEGINNING) WILL REQUIRE SOME DISCIPLINE ON YOUR PART. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE DAILY FOR SEVERAL WEEKS, AND EVEN MONTHS TO GET THINGS ROLLING. Try not to miss days, or you will lose momentum. Once it starts to build, it will snowball, and you will be able to relax. Until then, hit it hard - and let's get that money (sign-ups, referrals, you name it...) rolling in. THE SYSTEM GIVES YOU A TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGE, BUT YOU STILL NEED TO DO YOUR PART!!! So stick with it for a while and make it work!

We are done! You will find that you can exchange points for advertising in some of the programs, and that is another place you can advertise your “business” and gain some referrals.

Good luck and happy clicking!