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The best way to advertise is in Paid To Read Programs, you can redeem your points and put a banner or a point ad, or redeem your cash for paid ads; or if you want to go faster, you can pay to advertise. Keep that in mind when you are clicking, points are just as important as pennies! Particularly for advertising.

Design Your Own Ads; Be creative!

Take care of your downline If you want to succeed with your business you need to multiply your downline; the best way to do this is to get traffic to your webpage(s).

Secret to build a downline = Advertising

Secret to keep and have a good downline = Take care of it!

Help your downline; respond as soonest as possible; your success depend on the success of your downline

For banners, traffic exchanges and the best Paid to Read sites, CLICK HERE

Submit your site to search engines, or try reciprocal links, banner exchanges or web rings.

There’s a banner HERE where you can submit your site free, to LOADS of search engines.

Remember, this is a system you can completely customise to suit your own needs!

Things they don’t tell you!

Buyer beware!

The most important thing to be aware of in the PTR industry is that sites and webmasters can disappear without a trace, taking with them any money you have earned and the downline you’ve worked hard to establish.

Some are scam artists that regularly open sites, only to disappear within a few weeks of opening, taking their advertisers money with them.

Shop around, try out some sites and look to see which ones appear to be advertised the most, or have been around a while. Keep an eye peeled on sites message boards for recommendations both good and bad. Of the 30 companies I initially signed up with, only 15 remain.

It can be frustrating, but you have to live and learn and continue on. There are some great, honest webmasters out there, and it’s a shame that this business is tainted so by the bad apples.